Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Flowers in the Frost

These were a reminder not to  forget to put my gear away, I'm not putting my hands in these any time soon

It is Spring... we have lambs, the garden weeds are growing, the lawn has to be mowed, and everything is thinking about flowering.

In the frost, some have even made a start, the almond trees are flowering.  I am so impressed.  However, the poor daffodils droop their heads every morning, but raise them in the sunshine of the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Those gloves are definitely ruined. I hope they are still salvageable. Anyway, spring has got to be my favorite season too. Seeing the rebirth of vibrancy here at up north, the Indian summer sure is hot and bothersome, but at least some of the summer blooms are still alive. I hope the spring favors your garden. Thanks for sharing that!

    Terry Holt @ Land Tech
