School lunches are so tricky. I don't know about yours, but my kids want wrapped "fruit bars" (baked muesli slices), yoghurts and small packets of chips etc. I want them to have healthy, homemade things, and its not very often that our tastes meet in the middle.
Today I made this,
a muesli slice. No raisins or dried fruits (because young miss won't eat them), no nasty hard bits like nuts or pumpkin seeds (cos you master won't eat them). No condensed milk, because I think they dont need the sweet stuff. Hopefully we will all be happy.
I am going to wrap them, and I might even print a wrapper to paste on outside to make them look authentic! (I'm willing to try anything to get the kids to eat them).
50g butter
Half cup sugar
Quarter cup honey
put the above into a pan, and heat gently to dissolve the sugar. Set aside to cool a bit.
3 Weetbix, or similar
Quarter cup Rice Bubbles
Quarter cup choc chips or bits
Half cup rolled oats/porridge oats
Half cup Self Raising Flour
Pour the wet ingredients onto the dry ingredients and mix well. Press into a sandwich slice tin, bake 170C for about 20 mins till golden.
Let cool completely before cutting into slices or squares.
yip I hate the lunch things. But no my boys hate bought muesli bars, much to aarons frustration!! thank goodness