Winter veges can be a bit hit and miss, with some bolting in the autumn, or as soon as you hit spring. So I am never sure quite what to plant and when. I have done my best this year tho
This week I planted
Red Cabbage
Broad Bean seeds
Silver Beet
Curly Cale
Red Beetroot
I am hoping that some will be edible during the winter, like the Kale. Incidentally, Kale is supposedly the latest "in" thing in cooking. It's one of those real oldies, but goodies.
We are still harvesting lots of beans, about 6 more pumpkins (with lots yet to be ready), parsley, tomatoes, basil, and capsicums.
I love kale. Steamed and served plain or with a little butter and black pepper. Even the 'non green' eating husband seems to like it.